• Body Acne Treatment: You've Been Lied To!

    There are tons of different "solutions" out there on drug store shelves for pimples, but the best body acne treatments are not as well known.
    Many of the big companies put out different formulas for this widespread problem, especially among Americans, but the results are usually mixed.
    That's because these products do not receive as much research or attention as "face" acne products.
    Different formulas in nature are much more complete than the chemical-based treatments you'll find in stores.
    Nature is best and there are many reasons! Nature provides the exact ratios of enzymes, nutrients, and other microscopic things that science simply cannot recreate.
    The difference, of course, between the chemical body acne treatment products you'll see on the market and the natural cures you can find on site?
    Nature cannot be patented in its most pure form! That means that the multi-national companies with multi-million dollars advertising budgets can't patent the natural cures that work so well, and have actually been working round-the-clock in order to discredit them and to censor information about them.
    Take it from the vast number of people who have taken care of this problem on their own the way nature (and their mothers for that matter) always told them they could. From diet tips to lifestyle tips (relieving stress and more) and of course topical applicants of products that are easy to find on grocery store shelves or even at farmer's markets, the answers are all there and waiting for you.
    While some of the over-the-counter products can help, they also have side effects and other issues associated with them. The cost is high, for one thing, as you only get them in small tubes in most cases. But the worst is that benzoyl peroxide, one of the key ingredients, is among the many chemical ingredients that have been linked to cancer.
    Why do Americans get cancer so often? We have to compare ourselves to Europe and other more enlightened places that know how to work with nature and aren't all about the money. In Europe, many thousands more ingredients are banned for use in skin care products than they are in the United States.
    There are many natural solutions for body acne, however. Places like clearskinnaturally.com and acnetreatmentsite.com are among the best I have found for tips.
    Here are three helpful tips I've found from these and other sites:
    1. Pure water- Common tap water in America contains many impurities that will manifest themselves in your skin. The impurities include birth control pill refuse (changing hormone levels, one of the main causes of acne), heavy metals in some case depending on where you live, and chlorine among other chemicals. Get a reverse-osmosis water filter or other filter or drink pure spring water as much as possible to cleanse impurities, which will help body acne.
    2. Natural scrubs- Typical body scrubs contain odd ingredients that basically amount to chemicals that should not be in the skin. These are used as filler agents and readily absorbed by the body. Don't be afraid to splurge for the natural alternatives because the body has a hard time cleansing these chemicals, which could lead to more acne.
    3. De-stress- Stress is one of the main triggers of acne as shown on acneskintreatmentsite.com, in articles on Natural News and Mercola.com among other natural health sites. To de-stress, people should engage in relaxing activities such as meditation, yoga, and also creative ones such as painting or playing music if you are so inclined. Many people report getting body acne immediately following a stressful day or week at work but taking time out to clear the mind can change all of that.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6334270