• 9 Ways On How You Can Get Rid of Acne

    rsors for acne formation, especially after puberty. Minimizing stress will decrease the production of cortisol, a stress hormone, and will minimize the severity of acne. Moderate exercise will help improve blood flow to the skin and eliminate wastes effectively. Perform relaxation techniques from time to time such as meditation and breathing exercises.
    Cut off the sugar craving. A recent study showed that eating refined carbohydrate-rich foods (pasta, rice, bread) and sugar can lead to insulin surge, a condition that encourages your skin to give out huge amounts of sebum.
    Minimize the caffeine addiction. Caffeine increases stress hormone levels in the body and can worsen your current acne breakout. Avoid tea, chocolates, soda and other energy drinks.
    Reduce intake of red meat and dairy. Red meat and dairy are acid forming foods in the body. If your body is struggling to digest animal protein, then it may not be able to get rid of waste efficiently and release it through the skin.
    Get more of the sun and fresh air. The early morning sun stimulates the production of vitamin D in the body, a component to healthy skin. Fresh air and sunshine will reduce stress levels and increase oxygenation to the skin. Remember not to overdo the sunshine.
    Don't let acne ruin your life. Follow these easy steps and say hello to clearer and more beautiful skin!
    Charmaine Ann Enerio is a registered nurse and a freelance writer in Manila, Philippines. Currently, she specializes in neonatal intensive care and in health & wellness. As an advocate of women's health, Charmaine is planning on pursuing a degree in midwifery that would focus more on helping women before, during and after their pregnancies. Writing has always been her passion and has been an editor ever since her high school years. A good thing about Charmaine is the way she balances her career as a health care professional and as a writer. Charmaine is blessed with a wonderful family and a loving fiancé.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6442333