• How to Get Rid of Blackheads

    Because they tend to be very unpleasing sights, everyone wants to get rid of blackheads. Not only does it make one's face look unclean, it can also be a precursor to more serious acne problems. Blackheads are a type of acne that appears as blackish bumps on the skin. They are commonly situated along the nasal area of the face and are often clustered together thus giving anyone who has them an unclean look.
    What Causes Blackheads?
    Because blackheads are a type of acne, the factors that contribute to acne development are also the same ones causing the formation of blackheads. Briefly, excessive oil production, bacterial infection and dead skin cell accumulation are the three main factors that cause acne. In the case of blackheads, a pore or hair follicle tends to become dilated and is filled with excess oil, skin cells and bacteria. This opening is capped with more skin debris.
    Because the follicle plug is composed mostly of keratin and oil, exposure to the air results in oxidation and in turn causes the plug to darken. The plug causes irregular reflection of light that leads to a perceived black hue. In reality, the plug blocking the pores have more of a yellowish and brownish shade but the irregularity of the light's reflection leads one into seeing a darker, almost black hue.
    How to Remove Blackheads
    While it is true that blackheads are unattractive, all hope is not lost because there are several ways to get rid of blackheads. Perhaps the best way to remove blackheads is to actually prevent them by removing the causes. Excess oil and dead skin cells are the top origins of blackheads so gentle washing to facilitate their elimination from the skin is an important technique. Harsh scrubbing may seem effective for some but it actually results in more oil production and as a consequence, more blocked pores.
    Using gentle exfoliating masks is also helpful in removing dead skin cells and even blackheads. Remember to choose gentle products and to never over-exfoliate as this can result in irritation and increased oil production. Gentle squeezing may also be helpful in this case but it is important for one to do it properly. The pores around the area should first be opened up by applying a warm, moist cloth over it. When pushing blackheads out, remember to gently apply pressure around the problem area and to never push too hard as this may eventually cause skin damage and even scarring.
    Although blackheads are not an accumulation of dirt on the skin, one should still make sure that the face does not get in contact with dirty hands. Hands should always be cleaned and washed first before touching the face because dirty hands may encourage bacterial growth in the area. Religiously cleaning one's face may prove to be a futile effort if one does not take into account dirt coming from one's own hands.
    Blackheads are undeniably stubborn and getting rid of them can sometimes prove to be a challenge. That is why, like all the other afflictions, getting to the root of the problem and preventing it from happening is sometimes the best cure. But when prevention fails, it is good to know that there are several ways to deal with and to get rid of blackheads.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6475508