• Can the Phil Parker Lightning Process Help People With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)?

    There is much debate as to the cause of CFS. There is also debate about what it should be called. People with this condition cite many different causes including: a virus, an infection, an operation, a vaccination or emotional trauma.
    An incident in Bergen, Norway gives an interesting perspective on understanding health and disease. In 2004 in Bergen, there was a high incidence of people being diagnosed with Post viral fatigue or later CFS, which was linked to a waterborne outbreak of giardiasis. I saw over 40 clients from Bergen who did the Lightning Process. Many asked the same question: "Both my partner/wife/husband etc and I drank the same water, I ended up with fatigue, they didn't. How come?"
    This is an intriguing question. It is useful to consider the work of Louis Pasteur, and how it has shaped the way we think about health. Pasteur's work contributed to the germ theory of disease. The germ theory proposes that microorganisms are the cause of many diseases. There is now much evidence to support this theory. However, it is not the whole story.
    One of Pasteur's contemporaries, Claude Bernard, argued that the state of the terrain (the soil in which disease develops) is more important in the development of disease than just the germ. Claude Bernard got the terrain theory from Antoine Bechamp, who called it the cellular theory. There was much disagreement between Bernard and Pasteur on this issue, but on his deathbed, Pasteur recanted the germ theory, saying, "Bernard was correct. I was wrong. The microbe (germ) is nothing. The terrain (milieu) is everything."
    Susan Dorey, who has written about Pasteur's retraction, explains "The germ theory states that the body is sterile and disease is caused by external germs (microbes). For Bechamp microbes naturally exist in the body and it is the disease that permits the microbe to express itself. The terrain, the internal environment, in response to various forces, fosters the development of germs from within."
    The point that Bernard was making is that we are exposed to germs all the time, but the state of the recipient is the important factor. For instance, Doctors treat sick people day in, day out and are exposed to germs. However, they don't get sick all the time. What is the explanation for this?
    So back to the question posed by clients: "Both my partner/wife/husband etc and I drank the same water, I ended up with fatigue, they didn't. How come?" Deepak Chopra illustrates the debate in the following way. He asks us to imagine two people taking a roller coaster ride. One of them loves roller coaster rides: so their body produces chemicals, including endorphins, which boosts the immune system. The other person hates roller coaster rides: so their body activates the fight or flight, or the Physical Emergency Response (PER) as it is called in the Lightning Process. This switches on the Sympathetic Nervous System, and produces powerful hormones, including adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine, cortisol and DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone). This results in a suppression of the immune system. So if you then gave both these people some of Bergen's polluted water, what is the more probable outcome? Is it reasonable to expect that the person who has endorphins boosting their immune system is more likely to fight off the giardiasis, whereas the other person has a higher probability of becoming unwell as a result?
    One client who posed this question realised that she was more prone to emotional stress, whereas her boyfriend was much more easy-going, and she believed that this explained why she became unwell, whereas he didn't.
    However, before anyone starts thinking that this offers an explanation for everyone, this is not the case. It is not being suggested that everyone with this condition has it because they are more prone to emotional stress. Another client believed that she was probably more susceptible to becoming ill after drinking the polluted water, because she had broken her leg, and she wasn't as fit as normal. When she was fit, she rarely got ill in the past, but thought her immune system might not have been as robust during this period. Other clients recognised that stress at work, an operation, an inoculation, or other factors may have meant they were more susceptible to the organism resulting in giardiasis. The link between stress and immune function is well established.
    It is not always immediately obvious what factors may have contributed to some people becoming ill after drinking the polluted water. However, more important than the question 'What is the cause', is 'What can I do to regain my health?' The Phil Parker Lightning Process proposes that there is way to influence our health and our lives.
    So how can the Lightning Process help?
    The Lightning Process looks at a number of factors that keep influence our health. One key element of the approach of the Lightning Process is the Physical Emergency Response (PER), also known as the fight or flight mechanism.
    Whenever the body senses a threat, for example having a fall, getting food poisoning, getting emotional upset, the body produces the PER to find a way to recover or stay safe. It does this by switching on the Sympathetic Nervous System and producing the chemicals as described earlier.
    This is a useful response that helps us deal with the threat, and it affects our muscles and nervous system. This becomes problematic if we keep switching this system on, because this it affects our immune system (which is the healing system for the body) and affects the way our nerve cells work.
    The Lightning Process three-day seminar takes approximately 12 hours to deliver and is designed to teach you:
    1. About the PER and what happens if it is constantly switched on.
    2. How to Spot when the PER is occurring.
    3. How to Calm the PER by using a set of steps incorporating movement, posture, and coaching.
    4. How to make this change to your physiology automatic/second nature, by practicing these steps. The principle is that this allows the immune system to function properly, leading to health and wellbeing.
    What evidence supports this approach?
    Dr. Bruun Wyller, who is considered to be one of Norway's leading experts on ME, has published some interesting research, which concur with the clinical findings of the Phil Parker Lightning Process. Dr. Bruun Wyller's findings indicate a state of permanent distress response, or sustained arousal, in CFS patients, and he believes that these findings support the approach of the Lightning Process.
    Simon Pimenta is a Hypnotherapist, Life Coach, NLP Practitioner and Trainer in the UK, specialising in the Lightning Process. For more information on the Lightning Process, visit:

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6495451