To fully appreciate how you can cure acne naturally no matter how severe or stubborn it happens to be, it's important to understand what causes acne in the first place. While dermatologists treat acne at the latter stages of it's development and ignore the root cause of acne, by attacking the root cause of acne you can more effectively clear up your skin.
The root cause of acne is hormonal imbalance. Some hormones become imbalanced due to various factors and can be balanced again naturally. Doing so clears up acne.
One way to do this is to drink vegetable juices. Vegetable juices are packed full of nutrients some of which are fantastic for balancing hormones. However there is also a synergistic effect of drinking vegetable juices that empowers the body to heal itself as well as balance it's hormones.
These powerful juices have a cleansing effect on the blood and skin preventing toxins building up and being eliminated through the skin. The skin is actually one of the detoxification pathways but this can complicate and trigger acne! So by drinking vegetable juices you can prevent this from happening.
When I started to drink vegetable juices I found my severe acne improved dramatically. There are two main ways to get this juice into your diet. One is to juice your own vegetables using a juicer. Another way is to buy bottled vegetable juices from the store. Both ways are fine.
A good tip to make the vegetable juice more palatable is to add some apple juice to it to sweeten it up a bit.
So why not just eat lots of vegetables instead of drinking the juice? The reason is that unless you're eating raw vegetables cooking them destroy many of their nutrients and you don't get all the enzymes which are so important.
With all this said drinking vegetable juices is one of the most powerful and effective things you can do to clear up your skin. People who have tried more superficial acne treatments like antibiotics or cleansers without success find that doing just this one simple thing everyday makes a bigger difference than anything else they've tried before. This is all because it balances hormones, and when combined with other treatments that naturally balance hormones you'll never have to deal with acne (or even simply "bad skin") ever again.
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