• Vitamins - How They Can Be Used to Treat Acne

    Vitamins play an essential role in keeping the body in the best possible condition. Along with this, vitamins are also able to build, repair and strengthen the skin. Vitamin deficiencies are potent factors that jeopardize the glow and health of the skin. This makes it possible for skin disorders and issues to occur. Acne is one among the disorders that surface up due to lack of vitamins in the body. From here, one can know that taking in vitamins into the body and even applying topical components of these can reverse acne symptoms.
    Vitamin A is a known component that helps the body build strong bones, teeth, hair and skin. It does not only help build the body build these up but it also helps in repairing tissues and organs for inevitable damages that are incurred. Vitamin A is also very helpful in promoting immunity. All these actions in tissue building and healing; along with its help in the regulation of hormones and lift in immunity are very much helpful in treating the many forms of acne.
    Vitamin B has an extensive help in maintaining healthy and acne-free skin. Two acne-related facts regarding vitamin B would be that it helps in the production of adrenal hormones and in the regulation of blood glucose. Adrenal hormones play a huge role in the release and inhibition of all other hormones. Excess oil production in the form of sebum is an effect of ill-regulated adrenal hormones. High levels of glucose in the blood are among the indications of potent acne flare ups. Thus, getting the production of adrenal hormones and the regulation of glucose levels in the blood with the help of vitamin B is a huge leap in getting rid of acne.
    Vitamin C is a highly potent anti-oxidant that does wonders. It is a useful free-radical and toxin buster inside and outside the body. Thus if vitamin C is taken into the body it cleanses the body of toxins and free-radicals that pose harm to both acne-prone and non acne-prone skin from within. When it is applied to the skin topically, it cleanses and exfoliates the skin while strengthening the skins tissues all together. Cleansing and exfoliation are keys to healthy acne-free skin as dead skin cells and impurities can verily cause acne.
    Vitamin D from at least a daily dose of 10 minutes under the sun is a potent part of an acne treatment regime. Vitamin D is a known substance that helps heal the skin from damage and inflammation. It is also a very helpful body component that promotes the building of healthy skin and cells. Exposure to healthy sun promotes the transformation of a certain skin cholesterol strain into useful Vitamin D. This vitamin D then makes it possible for the body to easily absorb and utilize calcium. Vitamin D and calcium are to components which help a person a healthy and clear skin.
    Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant, an active cellular level repair component and a much known ingredient that leads to healthy skin. As it is able to tackle down some of the underlying causes of acne, it is then an important vitamin that a sufferer should take to treat acne. When the vitamin is topically applied, (e.g. vitamin e gels) it gives the skin a boost of repair and offers it a healthier glow as it easily seeps through the skin and does its effects on the underlying skin layers where healing should take root.
    Vitamin K when topically applied promotes healing of scars, skin blotches and blemishes. Thus, having a regular application of vitamin K on the skin helps heal acne and reduces marks. When taken in as food, supplements vitamin K also does wonderful things in the healing of internal tissues. One very remarkable thing vitamin K does against acne from inside the body is that it promotes the well-functioning of the liver. Of course, a healthy liver means better ridding of toxins. When toxins are thoroughly driven out of the body, acne would less likely occur and recur.
    At everything, moderation is always a great edge at keeping the skin clear and free from acne. This rule applies even to the incorporation of these vitamins for acne. Moderation can be best achieved when a balanced intake of these vitamins are considered and done for. Being mindful of this balance helps one achieve the best results in treating acne through the incorporation of vitamins in one's lifestyle.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6343986