Not all acne is the same and has been classified according to age and symptoms. The different types of acne can influence how effective acne treatments are and possibly change your approach to getting rid of acne.
We briefly look at 4 types of acne that you may suffer from at certain points in your life, highlighting symptoms, possible causes and types of acne treatments.
Baby or neonatal acne
You will probably not remember experiencing baby acne but if you are a parent you will as it affects around 20% of newborn babies.
Symptoms include a rash at around 3 weeks leading to small white pimples surrounded by reddened skin on the babies cheeks. Whilst this can be disturbing, especially to new parents, it is usually fairly harmless and goes away after a short while. If the condition does not abate then you should seek medical advice.
Causes are unknown but there is a suggestion that it is the result of excess hormones past from the mother.
Teenage Acne
As the name suggests this is acne that is experience during your teenage years and as you reach you twenties tend to recover.
Excessive, unsightly pimples can occur during teenage acne and affects most teenagers at some stage. Some are lucky to suffer for a short period whilst others for a number of years.
The cause has been suggested to be due to hormone fluctations during puberty, which in turn cause changes within the body and skin - such as increased sebaceous glands activity.
Adult acne
If you are one of the unlucky ones that acne may have not disappeared after your teenage years or you may have developed acne for the first time in adulthood.
Despite skin specialists seeing a rise in adult acne they are no clearer to understanding why. There has been a suggestion that women can experience if after stopping taking birth control pills. Again this is probably hormonal related.
Treating adult acne has tended to involve over the counter acne treatments unless the condition is very serious whereby your doctor may put you on prescription acne treatments, which is quite rare.
Rosacea Acne
Rosacea Acne is experienced by around 1 in 10 people and tend to be mostly women. The symptoms of Rosacea Acne include redness and blotching primarily on the skin of the face.
Symptoms tend to be worse in men although it is suggested to be due to mens lack of wishing to seek treatment earlier. With Rosacea left untreated and the symptoms do worsen, so if you suspect you are suffering from this condition seek medical advice.
Effective acne treatment
There is no one effective acne treatment that will work for all types and stages of acne. For some types, such as baby acne, its a wait and it should clear up approach that usually works. Whilst teenage, adult and Rosacea types of acne can be treated with safe, proven over the counter acne products if you wish.
We briefly look at 4 types of acne that you may suffer from at certain points in your life, highlighting symptoms, possible causes and types of acne treatments.
Baby or neonatal acne
You will probably not remember experiencing baby acne but if you are a parent you will as it affects around 20% of newborn babies.
Symptoms include a rash at around 3 weeks leading to small white pimples surrounded by reddened skin on the babies cheeks. Whilst this can be disturbing, especially to new parents, it is usually fairly harmless and goes away after a short while. If the condition does not abate then you should seek medical advice.
Causes are unknown but there is a suggestion that it is the result of excess hormones past from the mother.
Teenage Acne
As the name suggests this is acne that is experience during your teenage years and as you reach you twenties tend to recover.
Excessive, unsightly pimples can occur during teenage acne and affects most teenagers at some stage. Some are lucky to suffer for a short period whilst others for a number of years.
The cause has been suggested to be due to hormone fluctations during puberty, which in turn cause changes within the body and skin - such as increased sebaceous glands activity.
Adult acne
If you are one of the unlucky ones that acne may have not disappeared after your teenage years or you may have developed acne for the first time in adulthood.
Despite skin specialists seeing a rise in adult acne they are no clearer to understanding why. There has been a suggestion that women can experience if after stopping taking birth control pills. Again this is probably hormonal related.
Treating adult acne has tended to involve over the counter acne treatments unless the condition is very serious whereby your doctor may put you on prescription acne treatments, which is quite rare.
Rosacea Acne
Rosacea Acne is experienced by around 1 in 10 people and tend to be mostly women. The symptoms of Rosacea Acne include redness and blotching primarily on the skin of the face.
Symptoms tend to be worse in men although it is suggested to be due to mens lack of wishing to seek treatment earlier. With Rosacea left untreated and the symptoms do worsen, so if you suspect you are suffering from this condition seek medical advice.
Effective acne treatment
There is no one effective acne treatment that will work for all types and stages of acne. For some types, such as baby acne, its a wait and it should clear up approach that usually works. Whilst teenage, adult and Rosacea types of acne can be treated with safe, proven over the counter acne products if you wish.