• Treatments For Back Acne - How Your Acne Is Formed and 5 Tricks For Your Back Acne

    To help with the confusion of sorting through all the treatments for back acne, I've put together 5 tricks that you can apply in your life right away. These tips and tricks cover treating your pimples that are already formed on the skin, and for treating the source of your acne.
    Unfortunately, many back acne treatments are unable to work properly, because they are only designed to attack the pimples that are already formed, and not the cause of the problem. Because of this, you may be able to treat the acne that you already have, but new pimples will be created to replace the ones you just got rid of.
    Acne is caused by the overproduction of hormones in your body that causes your body to over produce oils that mix and dry with the dead skin cells on the surface of your body. With your pores clogged up, the oils have no way to make it to the skin's surface, so they balloon up creating your pimples.
    I'd like to cover a couple ways to help with this problem.
    Detox - In this case, is an apple fast. This will help your body flush out all the harmful toxins in your body that are adding to your breakouts, and help balance the hormones in your body. This will enable your body to recover from your current acne faster, and help prevent future breakouts.
    What I've done in the past is gone on a 3 day apple fast. I know, at first glance it sounds brutal, but there are some treatments for back acne that are based solely on the idea of this fast, so there must be some weight in it. On this fast your only able to eat apples and drink water. Don't cheat yourself out of the results that you could get out of this, stick to the diet for 3 days (72 full hours). This has been key for me in curing the acne on my back.
    Exercise - Now that you've helped your body come to a balance in hormone levels, its important that you keep it. If you aren't already, make sure you exercise at least 3 times a week. I find that running is probably the best way to get the results that you're looking for. Running isn't everyone's favorite thing to do, if this is the case for you, consider picking up a sport, or playing something with friends that you enjoy and can build up a sweat doing. When we sweat, we bring out toxins through the pores, and also clean out the pores themselves. So, go get sweaty!
    Healthy Foods - We could all be better at eating right? But for your acne, its important that you eat foods that are more organic. So many foods are filled with human added hormones that are harmful to the body, and your acne. Because of this, make an effort to eat with this in mind.
    Witch Hazel - You've done just about everything you need to do to get rid of your back acne from the inside, now its time to clear away the pimples on the surface. Witch Hazel is a household product, but it doesn't make it any less effective against acne. It has the ability to clear away the excess oils on the skin and the dead skin cells, leaving your skin smooth and soft.
    When your in the shower, either using your hand or a gentle scrubber, apply the witch hazel over your skin and rub in gently. Allow the medicine to do its work for no less than 2 minutes, then rinse off. When I first started, I would do this every morning and evening, and once my acne started clearing up, started doing it just once before I went to sleep.
    Lemon Juice - If your like me, once you've gotten rid of all the pimples on your skin, there might be some stubborn red marks that need to be rid of. Lemon juice is really good at not only clearing away the oils on the skin, but for reducing the red marks, and in some cases, completely getting rid of the red marks left by acne. Applying this to your skin once a day until your satisfied is good, I try to use fresh squeezed lemon juice, but that's just me.
    Michael Gutierrez was a long time sufferer of back acne until he started using these treatments for back acne that finally helped him say goodbye to his back acne for good. Michael has made it his goal to help others suffering from bacne, like yourself, cure the acne on their back so they may enjoy the freedom that comes from living an acne free lifestyle.
    He's also written a lot of helpful articles, like this one on some more treatments for back acne that people can start using right away to help with their acne. These simple ideas have helped many people, like yourself, cure back acne.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6327952