• Discovering The Various Classifications Of Acne

    Those suffering from acne problems tend to keep their skin squeaky clean at all times to prevent any outbreaks. Acne is caused by a number of factors and it is necessary to know the cause so that treatment can be done accordingly.
    Acne is mainly categorized into 11 clinical types depending upon the occurrence, severity and Pathophysiology at certain developmental stages. The various types of clinical acne are:
    Cosmetic - Cosmetic use can cause this kind of acne. The skin can get irritated by using certain kinds of cosmetics and prolonged use. After a certain point in time, the skin pores can have a negative reaction from the ingredients and can result in acne.
    Detergents - This kind of acne is caused by cleansers, detergents and soaps that irritate the skin.
    Acne Fulminans - This is a serious kind of acne and the eruption of lesions is accompanied by flu-like symptoms. This usually occurs more with men and the individual might also experience skin scarring, loss of appetite and high WBC count.
    Acne Mallorca - Excessive exposure to sun causes this acne.
    Medicametosa - This acne takes place as a side effect to medications. Certain medications like mood stabilizers, anti-psychotic medications and even, oral contraceptives are capable of causing acne.
    Pomade - Irritation of the skin from hair products are responsible for this kind of acne. Irritating ingredients like oils irritate the skin on the forehead and forms acne.
    Conglobata - This kind of acne mainly happens due to hereditary factors. It especially occurs to those individuals whose parents have suffered from severe acne problems. This often leads to severe scarring on the affected area. The disheartening fact is that there is nothing much to do to prevent this type of acne.
    Acne Excoriee - Skin picking the germs may spread on other parts of the body and can cause acne.
    Acne Keloidalis - This kind of acne usually occurs in the African race and the inflammations and lesions usually appear on the neck.
    Acne Mechanica - Something touching on the bare skin are responsible for causing skin irritation and resulting in acne, this includes bag straps and clothing fabrics.
    Acne Neonatorium or 'baby acne' - This type of acne usually happens to children as a result of excessive sebum secretion, due to hormonal transfer from mother to infant.
    There is also another type of acne, which is non-inflammatory by nature and is known as Comedone. During the period of acne progression, these are basically the skin's primary lesions. There are two kinds of Comedone: closed Comedones, also known as whiteheads, and open Comedone is known as blackheads.
    Whiteheads are discrete, prominently colored epidermal clogged follicles lying beneath the surface of the skin and projected as small whitish bumps. These are caused by sebum or oil secretion of the skin, which instead of traveling to the skin's surface, remains within the follicle and along with dead skin cells creates a plug.
    On the other hand, blackheads are dark bumps with a black surface. The hyperactivity of the cells that line the sebaceous ducts, might lead to ultimate destruction of the ducts, thereby resulting a Comedone. The black color is from the combined action of the clogged sebum plugs, melanin oxidation and sloughed-off cells. Comedone is more commonly found on areas like the forehead, cheeks and nose. Infection and inflammation can occur when the plug comes into contact with bacteria.
    Knowing your type of acne will help you and your dermatologist decide a suitable acne treatment for you while taking into consideration the severity of the acne and various other factors. This will also be useful in preventing complications like blemishes and scars caused by acne.
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    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6331881