• Cure Your Acne At Home Now!

    It is important to follow certain do's and dont's when you have to do with acne. Do's and dont's of the most important is to leave the acne alone. Messing with the acne may aggravate the problem rather than alleviate it. There are a lot of people who believes that popping acne is the easiest way to pick out the ordeal, but this is certainly not true. When I say get rid of acne overnight, it is important to note that to get rid of acne overnight is not really possible. The following methods will only help to get rid of acne faster. Read here how to get rid of acne quickly.
    • Protein: Use the egg to dab on the acne. Leave it on the skin for about 20 to 25 minutes. It will help in drying out the acne. Find more information on home remedies for acne.
    • Toothpaste: There are many people in the world who swear by this simple solution to get rid of acne. Apply a little toothpaste on the acne and leave it for about 30 minutes on the skin. It will help in drying out the acne. However, a gel toothpaste may not be the same results, so it's not recommended.
    • Lemon juice: Cut a lemon and the juice squeezed from it. Wash your face clean. Apply the juice on the acne before you hit the sack. You will have to dab the lemon juice on the acne with your fingertips. Find more information on best acne treatments.
    • Lavender oil: Application of lavender oil after washing your face will also prove useful in the treatment of the problem. This is a great way, like the pleasant scent of lavender is very calming. You can read about natural acne solutions.
    • Cinnamon and honey: Wash your face with cinnamon and honey paste, apply it on affected area. Leave the paste on overnight, but make sure you wash your face properly, otherwise you may end up hurting your skin.
    • Ice Pack: Stay with ice packs every 30 minutes for about 1 minute on the acne, will help in reducing the swelling and redness and also associated with a reduction of pain and inflammation of the acne.Read more over face mask acne.
    Daily Skin Care to Prevent Acne
    If you are prone to acne, there are some steps that should be part of your daily skin care. You can read on acne prevention.
    • If your skin is constantly either with your hair, rub on your face, or if you keep your face all the time touching irritated, acne eruptions are possible. Both hair and hands are a bed of dirt and bacteria. It is better to keep the bacteria away from your face. With a hand sanitizer is also recommended.
    • When using makeup, make sure you oil-free makeup. Make-up, this is not oil-free often clogged pores, which in turn leads to acne.
    • Wash your face regularly to sweat or going out is important.
    • Change pillows and bed linen regularly is recommended, as they accumulate dirt over a longer period. This dirt and grimaced can be harmful to the health of your skin. You can read more acne skin care products.
    • Use anti-acne products, such as washing lotions, toner and moisturizer. There are special skin care products that are designed for acne-prone sensitive skin.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6424757