• Chest Acne - Causes and Manifestations

    There are different forms of chest acne. It may come in the form of bumps or pimples, whiteheads and blackheads, or cysts and pustules. One or more forms may appear on the chest. But, red acne bumps are the most common.
    To prevent acne from occurring, the person should understand exactly what causes it. Hence, below are some of the factors that trigger the development of acne or aggravates the existing condition:
    1. Hormonal Changes or Imbalance
    A change in hormonal levels or imbalance is considered as the main cause of acne outbreaks. An increase in the level of hormones in the body can lead to overproduction of sebum. Presence of too much sebum can clog the pores on the skin. This collects dirt, as well as dead skin cells, and makes the perfect environment for the bacteria to grow and multiply.
    Androgen or testosterone, which is found in both men and women, is the chief hormone associated to the release of sebum or oil. When there is an increased level of testosterone in the body, the glands secrets excess sebum as well. In women, acne erupts or worsens prior to having menstruation. Pregnant and menopausal women also get chest acne.
    2. Stress
    Stress is considered as a triggering and aggravating factor of chest acne. It does not directly cause acne, but it enhances the growth of it by increasing the release of hormones that produce more sebum. In this case, emotional and physical stress significantly triggers acne on the chest.
    Research showed that men and women who are suffering from emotional pressures in work and school are highly affected with acne than those who don't. Also, outbreaks are often observed in people with emotional and mental stress. Individuals with physical stress refer to those with poor diet and lack of exercise.
    3. Diet
    The relationship between foods and the appearance of chest acne has not been clearly laid out by the scientists. However, it has been shown that there are particular types of food that trigger the growth of chest acne. For example, nuts and chocolates are just some of the many foods that doctors would recommend not eating, or at least limit the consumption for acne-prone people.
    4. Improper Hygiene
    Obviously, an unclean body is more prone to chest acne, and acne on other parts of the body. Sweat, dirt, including dead skin cells and sebum provides a good environment for the bacteria to live. However, excessive washing and cleansing can also cause acne since the skin generates more oil to compensate dryness. Touching and popping the acne can also worsen the skin condition.
    Careless use of several cosmetic products can also cause acne. Oil-based skin products can clog the pores and worsen the acne condition. Some ingredients found on deodorants, sunscreens and moisturizers, as well as make-up items may be harmful to the skin. This will promote the growth of acne, or worse, aggravate the condition.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6354774