• The Basics About Acne

    Pimples are the most common problem that a lot of people face. We cannot deny the fact that pimples are sometimes part of our people's everyday lives. Many times, acne is the most common reason why some people do not want to go out with friends or on a date because they are embarrassed with their pimples. In line with this, it is appropriate to ask, "what really are the causes of pimples?"

    Pimples are caused by internal and external factors. A few of the internal factors are:

    1. Excessive secretion of androgen that causes the increase of the secretion of the sebaceous glands that blocks the oil glands and when these oil glands are blocked, acne breaks out.

    2. The changes in hormone secretion, this happens during the monthly period of women, this causes acne to breakout too.

    3. Physical diseases, pathological changes in the stomach, kidney and other organs.

    4. Oral contraceptives, diet pills and drugs that contain bromide and iodide causes endocrine imbalance. Endocrine imbalance accumulates certain toxins that cause acne.

    On the other hand, the external factors that cause acne are:

    1. Not washing the face properly. This causes bacterial infection and aggravate existing acne.

    2. Touching the face with dirty hands and pricking the pimples cause bacteria to spread and as a result, acne worsens.

    3. Using low quality cosmetics such as foundation, pressed powder and etc. These may contain ingredients that are harmful to your skin.

    No matter what the causes of the pimples are, you do not need to fret. There are actually a lot of ways on how to treat them.

    We can start getting rid of pimples by simply washing our face twice a day - once in the morning and once before going to bed. It is strongly recommended that you use mild soap in washing your face.

    For eliminating bacteria, you can use cleansers that have antibacterial properties. You can also use external applications such as gels, creams, and lotions. These should be applied in the areas that are affected only.

    For reducing the oil, we can use astringents and masks that contain sulfur and other ingredients that are able to remove traces of oil on the skin.

    Although these are common means to deal with pimples, they are not the best solution. The best solution is through the use of natural remedies. Natural remedies are the safest and cheapest means too.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6469223